Superman 2 player games
Superman 2 player games

After a certain amount of tries, this stops occurring and players actually start at the mission instead of having to "solve the maze" again.

  • Players have to repeat the previous ring-flying segment upon failing the objective that comes immediately after, which is likely to happen due to the unforgiving time-limit in virtually every level and the fact that mission objectives only stay on-screen for about a second, giving the player no time to adapt.
  • superman 2 player games

    Some ring levels even have the nuts to make you start right next to the end ring, which is just unfair and is the overall reason why the ring concept is just awful. Most of the time, you will fail to pass through a ring and increase the chances of failing the level for each missed ring. The most hated thing in all of Superman 64 is that most of its levels rely on flying through rings to get to the end of the level, which not only does not make sense at all but also is extremely annoying due to the controls being an absolute disaster (more about it below).

  • The notorious flying through rings level.
  • They had no creative freedom and them being so busy trying to please WB is the reason for many of the problems below. They're the reason why the game takes place in a virtual world (not allowing Superman to fight real people) and having to pick up icons to use his powers. was paranoid about Titus taking on the project and told them exactly what they wanted while watching the game through a microscope. Titus originally envisioned the game to be open-world and even made a lot of destructible levels, but Warner Bros.
  • Executive meddling: This game is a prime example.

  • Superman 2 player games